11 Sep

Pain management, pain pill, pain management, pain therapy, pain control, or medical aliment, is an academic division of general medicine which makes use of an interdisciplinary approach to easing the pain and enhancing the quality of life of the patients living with chronic pain. It is a discipline concerned with the management of pain. It involves the use of pharmacological, psychological, medical, social, developmental, environmental, neurological and multisensory approaches in pain relief. It also involves the use of complementary and alternative medicines for pain relief. The principles on which the management techniques are based are aimed at avoiding the risk of addiction, toxicity and risk of precipitating other diseases.

A licensed Physician or Doctor of Medicine is the person who can prescribe the acute pain reliever medication. Before prescribing any kind of pain reliever, the doctor would have to make a careful evaluation of your medical history, analyze your physical and emotional condition as well as carefully examine the properties of the pain reliever drugs that you are taking. You should only take pain relief medication while the doctor is not present. This will ensure that you do not become dependent on the medicine and that it does not cause adverse side effects when taken in emergency situations. 

Tricyclic Antidepressants are usually prescribed after an appropriate evaluation has been done to determine that your pain is not due to a heart condition. These drugs are known to have side effects like nausea and drowsiness. Also, it could result into weight loss. In case of severe pain, the doctor may prescribe a more potent painkiller called Indomethacin or narcotic pain killers such as codeine and hydrocodone. Doctors usually try alternative therapies such as acupuncture and physical therapy first before resorting to prescription pain killers or narcotics. View here for more about pain relievers. 

Another category of prescription medicines for pain management is non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medicines or NSAIDs. Unlike analgesics, NSAIDs work to reduce inflammation by neutralizing prostaglandins. The most common side effects of NSAIDs include gastrointestinal bleeding and ulceration, although these can be prevented if the doctor has taken measures to control the strength of the drugs prior to administering them.

Another group of pain relief medications are opioid analgesics or opioids. An opioid is a chemical substance that can block the actions of the neurotransmitter called endorphin. When taking opioids, it is important that you know the proper dosages and how to use them properly as excess doses of opioids can cause addiction.

You can ask your doctor for a recommendation regarding which Pain Relief pharmacy products are best used depending on your particular condition. You should never take more than the recommended dose. Your doctor can give you a list of opioids that are appropriate for you based on your symptoms, the type of pain and other factors such as your weight, physical activity level and your risk for complications. 

Discuss with your doctor whether or not you are a suitable candidate for one of these medications. An alternative post for more info on the topic here: https://www.dictionary.com/browse/medicine.

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